Our Premier League Inspires programme is a curriculum-based programme aimed at young people aged 11-25 years old, who are marginalised or at risk of not fulfilling their potential. This programme is available to all secondary schools or educational establishments at a competitive price. The programme focuses on improving confidence, developing skills, gaining knowledge and creating a positive attitude. You can choose from two programme themes, one being mental wellbeing and the other personal development. The programme can be adapted and tailored to the needs, abilities and outcomes of your young people.
Goal: To inspire children and young people to develop the personal skills and positive attitudes to succeed in life.
The programme is delivered across twelve weeks with ten weeks of workbook activity and two Trust specific workshops on careers and EDI. Schools can select up to ten young people all of whom have at least one primary risk factor to take part in the programme. Schools are required to allocate one-hour weekly slot where Trust staff can attend the school and deliver workshops. Young people will also have a wellbeing check completed by qualified staff with further referral support available where required. With the option to put the skills developed into practice and undertake social action work across the local community and volunteering opportunities to enhance their skills and community engagement. All young people will receive an invite to our programme celebration event held at Vicarage Road Stadium.
If you would like to register your school or gain further information on the Premier League Inspires programme please contact either Lucy Tearle, Community Project Manager (Young people) or Jessica Doran, Community Project Officer (Young people).
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